Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Work In Progress (Me and You and Everyone We Know)

I was born with purpose. What that is, I'm still working on. Maybe the reason I grace this earth is the same reason I am writing to you. Maybe I am poised to be the voice for all the intricate souls like mine that vow to not lead a life of quiet desperation (thanks, Thoreau). Maybe the exact reason I was formed from the stars in the sky is to let you know you are not alone. Every day of your life has been another puzzle piece to the big picture, leading up to the moment when your seemingly uninteresting, bleak existence reveals its beauty. Maybe that's why I'm here. Maybe not. Maybe my puzzle is yet to be finished.


Let's getaway
Find our center
Harness our chi
Do anything off the beaten path
That will allow us to stop grasping
For straws and make us take a glimpse
Into our hearts.
Let's search for the reason
We exist and continue a life
That will help us become whole.


I don't know why I was made. I haven't found the solution to why I experience such highs and lows. My disposition towards the world is still shades of grey. All I know is there is vibrance in the universe, in each and every one of us. There is peace in the most volatile places, and there is goodness in hostile homes. And to me, that's what this is all for.


The places we go and the people we meet all become a part of our story. No matter how short or otherwise insignificant an encounter may seem, these all become bits of our heart. Take on these moments with open arms, let the adventure find you. If for once you push instead of pull, the world might astound you.

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