Monday, November 24, 2014

A Taste Of The True Life

I've been at this fork in the road for some time now. Every second of every day I try and wrap my mind around which road to take to give me the life I imagined. It's utterly annoying and incredibly disheartening to be at a constant climax of what I think I need and what I truly want. The only problem with this situation is the actual pinpointing of what my wants are. I find myself good at a handful of things. I still have yet to find that piece of me that makes me shine. You might think I am being a narcissistic, self-loathing schmuck, but I refuse to let my grain-of-sand life become any more minor than it already is in the grand scheme. Maybe I struggle with the fact that being a grandiose gentleman isn't in the cards for me, but the main puzzle of my existence is finding that twinkling star in the sky that is meant for me. Finding it and holding it tight, never letting it gas out, and keeping the light shining. Perhaps this is just a part of growing into one's self. But who knows? We haven't ever crossed this bridge before. What I do know, so far, is that I won't stop searching. Wondering. Pondering upon life and death and everything in between that makes up this unique, common, tumultuous, wonderful world. And I won't stop loving.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pursuing Passion; A Vehement Attempt At Making Your Life, Your Life.

Having what we want, when we want it, isn't always on the agenda.
  Kid Dylan might beg to differ. Adult Dylan sees it as a blessing.

Do you know the sensation? Feeling like you aren't getting what you deserve. It happens everyday, to many people, in a multitudes of ways. You've got this killer personality, but members of the opposite sex breeze by without a second glance. You have all the skills to kill a new job, but a company passes. Your passion is strong, but it isn't getting you to where you wanna be. It's easy to blame other people, to blame politics, to blame blind eyes not open to experiencing your uniqueness. 
  It's been said time and time again, if you want something, go out and get it. While I believe this to be a  worthy viewpoint on life, I think there is a little more to the equation. You cannot simply strap on your boots, hit the trail, and expect it all to happen. Maybe what you lack, is the actual want for whatever it is you are setting out to do. Maybe that's just me. Some people know when they are kids. Others find their calling in college. Fireman. Police Officer. Doctor. Superman. Wife. Husband. Discoverer. I think I have yet to put a stamp on what it is my purpose for this world is. While we all have these idealistic ideas of who we are to become, my mindset fluctuates daily on who it is I am. 
  I want to wake up each day anew, making every sunrise to sunset a high-wire balancing act full of love, passion, people, and pure existence. I want to make a new trail, set it ablaze with some real, genuine, bona fide passion, and live a life that makes heads shake. No, I don't need to be remembered. I just need to know, when my head lays down for a final rest, that what I did was bliss. I guess my main point I am trying to comprehend to you is to not get bogged down within the limits you have put in front of yourselves. Maybe what you are doing just isn't what your heart was built for. Maybe your destiny is still out there waiting for you to find it. Don't ever stop seeking the freedom to truly be you.
   I know I won't. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mirror Mazes; An ode to who we've become and who we really are.

This post might be the most ironic piece of writing to ever be conceived. Maybe I say that with a hint of arrogance, but I think you'll see it's going to prove my point.
  Our generation is currently going through what I like to refer to as a cosmic cluster-fuck of reliance. In the past, people were generally content with sharing good news with those closest to them. Hell, some folks even went as far as keeping it to themselves in order to stem the tide or to avoid being known as a contemptible schmuck. In today's society and the virtual companionship we have hitched our wagon to, it is nothing short of pedestrian to make it known how significant our lives are. From the awesome (but not as fetch as you make it sound) job you just landed writing for so and so blabbering about such and such to the new curls you put in your hair, (seriously, they're curls) all the while time-stamping your dog's every move and making sure you mention how you are destined to become the next Scott Conant given your expertise to whip up a helluva hamburger helper. 
  Documentation. This is what we will be known for. The desire to do things, not for one's self,  but in hopes of being lauded for it. We can sit back and blame the internet for making us this way. Making us feel we need the congratulations and the adulations and the commendations of every human within our virtual reality. In retrospect, I guess everyone likes to be praised, but there's a time and place to share how well-off you've become through you're hard work. To be at a constant need to have affection from twenty, thirty, a hundred people shows just how far intimacy has succumbed since the rise of Social Media. It's no longer about the swell things you accomplish, it's about the amount of people who applaud you for whatever it is you do.
  Live for yourself, not others. Have the grit to let your work speak for itself. Chances are, if it's any good, people will take notice. If you remove it fully, all this fantasy world, parade-in-your-name bullshit, you are still as dead inside as you were before acquaintance X admired you for completing task Y. Don't let yourself become a virtual reality, a mere fragment of what you are truly capable of. Instead, go out and get it, and let yourself know it is good. It is right. It is yours.