Saturday, March 21, 2015

Upon The Shore: Get Yourself Wet

It's okay to be broken. The world is full of once-broken souls with remarkable stories. Pain is a constant and joy is fleeting. That's pretty much what living is, after all, right? Creating storybooks in the back of our minds full of memorable moments and forgettable flashes of life?

When I sit back and really analyzed my existence, I realized something; the ratio of superb to mundane days heavily favors the latter. That's not to say I am not a happy person, however. Most days I have a chipper disposition towards my surroundings, but inside of me, a fire full of angst, anxiety, hopes, and dreams roars and I'm unsure which way the wind is blowing. There are days where I feel defeated, where I want to give in, and lay down for a long winters' nap. Moments where I feel like a faded wallflower; dust floating through the air. One thing that brings me relief is knowing I am not alone in feeling.

You might perceive a strong connection to the words I struggle to find. Words to accurately depict how life can be the gentlest, kindest soul and an unforgiving bitch the next. One thing life never does, though, is give you a moment to catch up. With or without you, it will keep rambling on, waiting to lift you up or beat you down. A lot of times, it's truly is up to you. You can sit and be complacent, self-loathing, and unremarkable or you can shake the dust that has accumulated on your heart and allow yourself to breathe again. There isn't an easy fix to a broken heart. If there was, I'm sure it would have gone viral by this point.

Our hearts are fascinating and unique and troublesome and stubborn. Inside of them live all the stories that make it a one-of-a-kind. And while it's an extremely difficult endeavor to lace up your shoes and go out seeking for the next great story, especially after finishing the ending of a painful one, it's worth it. Do not let your life become ordinary. Forget play-it-safe. You were put here to create moments, both beautiful and bleak. Divine and disheartening. Marvelous and melancholic.

It's usually the best ones that come with some risk.