Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dear Me: A Letter on Life

Dear Dylan, 
By now, you've probably seen Back To The Future. I know it might be scary to read something from the future for fear of changing history, but I can assure you that everything below is just sound advice meant to shape you into the person you are supposed to become. 

You're fourteen, which means you're going to be starting high school next year. I remember high school. It was a lot of fun. I made a lot of mistakes. Some of which I'd really appreciate if you could try and avoid. If you get the urge to sneak out, don't go over to you know who's house. I won't tell you why, just know that I am looking out for your best interests. If you're parents are driving you nuts, just remember that they are still trying to protect their baby boy. It might seem crazy to think one day you'll miss the moments of nagging and telling you 'no', but trust me, you will.
You are very impressionable at 14. Don't fall victim to the users and abusers. They are hiding in plain sight, waiting to take your spirit out of you. Trust your instincts and the beautiful heart you have inside. You don't understand this now, but you are unique and interesting and people are going to seek that out one day. They are going to search for souls who want to experience life in it's purest forms. Stay honest with your morals and don't sacrifice for anything.
It's hard at your age. You want to fit in. You want to be well-liked. I get it. But who are you going to become if you try and be like everyone else? A mere shell of yourself. A mold that has the edges that look like you, but an interior that lacks any convictions.
Don't stop doing what you love to do, regardless of what the world around you says. Go out and smell the air. Have some tea, read a book, expand your essence. Find a girl, let her go. Do not dwell on the heartache. I promise the right one is waiting. Forget about the jealousy and the near-sightedness of your peers, for they are but a small sample of the vast world around you.
Most importantly, believe in yourself. You have so much potential to be great. I know this because I was once, too, in your very shoes. I know the difficulties that you are going to face and I know you have the strength and the courage to overcome them. It's easy to say this now, as a much older, experienced version of you, but if you hold onto your passions and you don't sacrifice them for who you think you want to be now, you'll be on the fast-track to a life one can only marvel at.
You're gonna move mountains someday kid, just make sure those mountains aren't full of washed-up dreams not true to your heart. Take a huge, 14 year-old, risk and simply let you be you. You won't regret it.

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