Tuesday, January 20, 2015

In remembrance of my former life...

Jenks coughed his way through the hospital doors with me by his side. I was starting to think maybe he was the one that could use a little time in Intensive Care after the way he hacked a lung throughout the halls. We finally reached the elevator and stood await as it made its way down. Fifth floor, Fourth floor, three, two, one. I could feel myself starting to clench up. My stomach did it's best elevator impersonation as it dropped a few stories. Some interns pushed their way out with grimace on their faces, looking hellbent on finding some solace in a place far away from here. We stepped aboard and rode in silence to the 7th floor.
  "I better go in first, just to make sure she's stable and all is on the up and up." Jenks said.
  "Okay," was all I could muster when inside I was screaming for an escape. 
  I stood against a wall staring at some kitsch art fastened to the wall. It was an eagle soaring through the sky. It reminded me of a particular time with my father in the Catskills. We would watch the eagles and hawks circle prey from above and then nosedive downward until they captured it. I always wanted to be that free. I snapped out of it when a man in a white coat began talking to me.
 "Tom, right?"
 "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm Tom."
 "From what I've taken away from talking to Officer Jenkins, it looks like you were her last contact. Listen, Tom. Jenny was hit crossing the street. We put her into a coma to try and alleviate pressure on her brain, and so far everything is stable. What is your relationship with her?"
"Uhm, well, I, uh, we just kind of met."
"Then there's no easy way to say this. She came in alert, screaming for Tom. I am assuming that's you. Now, from what we can tell, she seems to be suffering from amnesia. To put it in the simplest terms, she only knows who you are."
 Shit. What can I do now? I've spent my entire life working to be absent during tumultuous times. Now I am thrown into the thick of it, deeply entrenched in a situation I can't escape.
"I don't even know who I am."

Part One

Part Two

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