Sunday, June 24, 2012

This Columbo, he pretends to be stupid, but really, he is smart, as a tack.

A lot on my mind the past few days. It is interesting to watch people turn into someone or something so far away from what they are capable of, shading their potential in order to make themselves into a cookie-cutter. I am going to stop saying I'm sorry. People really don't care if you are sorry or not, they just want someone looking at them. It's funny when you can see into someone, and realize all that is inside is just waiting to be broken out. I want to tear myself down, bring out the good and bad, and turn it into a person capable of great things, even if everything I do is not deemed normal by our society. If there was ever a day to start living up to potential, I'd say today would be a good day to start.
  Let's set the record straight right now, because people, myself included, try so hard to act like they don't really care when in actuality every time someone "forgets to call" or "falls asleep" it takes it out of me, knowing I was not even worth a five second phone call. Rather than love, than faith, than fame, than fairness, give me truth. At least at that point I can stop wasting my time and more important, obviously, yours.

If only for a second, this makes you look inside yourself, I have done what I set out to accomplish. Too much looking at others, not enough looking at ourselves.

I'd like to talk to you, right now, about anything and everything. Progress toward a place where I can be myself always has me sleeping well.


1 comment:

Ryeman said...

Interesting words, thankyou.