Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pursuing Passion; A Vehement Attempt At Making Your Life, Your Life.

Having what we want, when we want it, isn't always on the agenda.
  Kid Dylan might beg to differ. Adult Dylan sees it as a blessing.

Do you know the sensation? Feeling like you aren't getting what you deserve. It happens everyday, to many people, in a multitudes of ways. You've got this killer personality, but members of the opposite sex breeze by without a second glance. You have all the skills to kill a new job, but a company passes. Your passion is strong, but it isn't getting you to where you wanna be. It's easy to blame other people, to blame politics, to blame blind eyes not open to experiencing your uniqueness. 
  It's been said time and time again, if you want something, go out and get it. While I believe this to be a  worthy viewpoint on life, I think there is a little more to the equation. You cannot simply strap on your boots, hit the trail, and expect it all to happen. Maybe what you lack, is the actual want for whatever it is you are setting out to do. Maybe that's just me. Some people know when they are kids. Others find their calling in college. Fireman. Police Officer. Doctor. Superman. Wife. Husband. Discoverer. I think I have yet to put a stamp on what it is my purpose for this world is. While we all have these idealistic ideas of who we are to become, my mindset fluctuates daily on who it is I am. 
  I want to wake up each day anew, making every sunrise to sunset a high-wire balancing act full of love, passion, people, and pure existence. I want to make a new trail, set it ablaze with some real, genuine, bona fide passion, and live a life that makes heads shake. No, I don't need to be remembered. I just need to know, when my head lays down for a final rest, that what I did was bliss. I guess my main point I am trying to comprehend to you is to not get bogged down within the limits you have put in front of yourselves. Maybe what you are doing just isn't what your heart was built for. Maybe your destiny is still out there waiting for you to find it. Don't ever stop seeking the freedom to truly be you.
   I know I won't. 

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