Thursday, February 7, 2013

Awakening, Unabridged

The sun came up, just like every other ordinary day. This day seemed different though. The sun shined a little brighter, the wind blew a little brisker, and my heart beat a little harder. I breathed in deep, as if I was trying to suck in every last bit of oxygen available in the air. I ran my fingers through my hair, caressing every strand as it escaped the grasp of my hand. Then, I began to walk. I began to think. I began to see. All of this world's vast uncertainties were put here for you and me. To explore. To travel. To adventure. To never settle. To grab life by the throat and choke the life out of it. It's interesting how we are conditioned to follow this straight and narrow path of pre-conceived righteousness. So many of us need to tear the blindfold from our eyes, pull the plugs out of our ears, and examine the entity of our lives. I began to get sick to my stomach, but I trudged on, one heavy-hearted step after the other. A break in the pavement caused me to lose my balance, leaving my palms scraped and knees dirty. As I began to reposition my sunglasses onto my face, I looked up at the sun. It's brightness and warmth opened me up. Just then, I began to run. In my best Forrest Gump impression, I ran until I couldn't run anymore, taking in every facet of life around me. Indeed, I had the best behind-the-scenes look at the most original, beautiful set ever built. My life.

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