Saturday, December 29, 2007

If i was a flower growing wild and free...

I feel like I write too much about love. I am sure there are other topics I could pick, but this one just seems to fit my mood. I think I was blessed with the ability to love and to see love. If I never find love, so be it, but I'm glad I know how it feels. There are things that are hard to describe, but when you see them, it feels like love. I love those moments.
Moments like watching snow fall or drinking a cup o' tea with your friends in a bus filled with loving souls. Moments when things just seem perfect and you can smell love by the means of hot food and logs burning in a fire.

I guess this is what Christmas time does to you. It really makes you think and find what is important in life.

I feel like ending it here, not because I am weary or incompetent, but because maybe someone will read this and stop and think about all the things they love like butterflies and summer swims. Maybe someone will have the courage to go out and love on people he/she has never met and knows nothing about. I love little kids(no pun) because of their ability to love anyone and everyone for their insides rather than physical appearances.

the thing that poets right about
the thing that singers sing about
the thing that flowers bloom for
the thing that stars shine for
the thing that babies laugh for
the thing that jesus died for
the thing that winners wait for
the thing that trees reach for
the thing that addicts stop for
the thing that widows die for
the thing that proud are humbled for
the thing that lonely are looking for
the thing that made me come alive
the thing that made me realize
that love is the most beautiful thing
that anyone can happen to

I am glad you love me.

Hopefully this provokes your mind(Probably not though).

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